President Ernest Bai Koroma is still very popular with the Sierra Leonean people . The evidence is irrefutable , never mind the aphorism that A PICTURE TELLS THE STORY OF A THOUSAND WORDS ! ! !
The President remains popular and beloved by his people, even with two more years to the end of his enduring term. And why not ? This is the kind of story that detractors of President Koroma and our malevolent opposition and dissident forces would not love to see. Rather, it makes them go insane with expletives and name-calling on pro-government journalists like your DEARLY BELOVED . But we will continue speaking the truth, albeit the positive truth .
Yesterday, President Koroma stepped out to visit Magazine Wharf , according to State House Media Director, Jarrah Kawusu-Konte, “to intensify active case search in the final push to eliminate Ebola from Sierra Leone.” What happened when President Koroma arrived at Magazine was simply amazing. Youth, children , women and aged men went berserk with joy to hail the President.
When opposition newspapers and dissident social media whackos intimate that “President Koroma is unpopular”, “the people are not happy with him” , blah-blah-blah , evidence continues to demonstrate that it was far from the truth. President Koroma has a magnetic effect on the Sierra Leonean people. Whenever he appears in public, crowds go wild to hail him. Is that the mark of an unpopular President ? If journalists who record and report these events are sycophants as President Koroma’s detractors say, then these detractors are the most shallow-minded people ,the most blind to all genuflections of reality and evidence ! ! ! This is because it is difficult to reconcile what these dissidents and opposition elements put out about the President with the magnetic response of joy and affirmation with which President Koroma is greeted whenever he steps out.
You know when people are pretending. The Sierra Leoneans who hail President Koroma whenever he steps out are unmistakably genuine.
Yes, things are hard in the country. Things are hard everywhere. Things are hard also in the Great United States, Great Britain, Mighty Germany and everywhere else in the world . Socio-economic problems are a global phenomena. Any honest person can tell you that. But the Sierra Leonean people continue to love President Koroma because they know that despite the challenges, he means well for them and he has a genuine desire to deliver them good leadership.
On the evidence of the continued popularity of President Koroma, the ruling All People’s Congress ( APC ) could receive yet another mandate from the Sierra Leonean people in the 2018 Presidential Elections, as long the party unveils a candidate that instills the same trust and confidence as the President.
With this kind of evidence, there is no doubt that much of what is written on social media and in the newspapers about the President are mere diabolical propaganda inspired by the most depraved thirst for power by dissidents and the opposition.
The people of Magazine Wharf could not help it. They were impressed by the leadership pedigree of President Koroma–Outstanding leadership that has brought Sierra Leone virtually to the end of the Ebola plague. Ebola did its worst in Sierra Leone as it did in our neighbouring countries too but we are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We cannot be complacent. We cannot be unguarded. We continue to be vigilant, but the fact is that Ebola is coming to an end in Sierra Leone. If opposition people have a tendency to blame him for the problems, then these same people should hail and congratulate President Koroma for the victories.
This was the message the people of Magazine Cut sent out yesterday.
The President should be thanked and appreciated for the hard work he expended to help Sierra Leone defeat Ebola.
VIDEO CREDIT : Jarrah Kawusu-Konte