By Tony Bee, Sydney, Australia
The name Victor Bockarie Foh, really it is not a new name in Sierra Leone, particularly in the political history of the country. It is a renowned name that always sounds in the ears and minds of many Sierra Leoneans both in and out of the country like a school ringing bell. It’s sounds both in good times and bad times, especially in the current ruling APC political party politics and the country’s political system in general for the love of his country’s peace, progress and development. In view of that he is always in the centre of the country’s political and socio-economic controversies.
However, Mr Vice President Foh one thing that I would like you to always put at the back of your mind when performing your duties as Vice President is that, a reflection of the circumstances that surrounded your appointment to that higher office of the land. It is NO secret that many Sierra Leoneans, especially your enemies are still not happy about your elevation to that position. Therefore, many of them will always try very hard by all means to see your downfall if you give them a breathing space towards that.
Some will pretend to be your best friends but at the same time they are agents of your emeries. When your enemies want to destroy you but they find it a bit difficulty to get you by themselves, they will use some of your best or close friends to do their satanic dirty games on behalf of them against you.
This is very common among wicked devil incarnation satanic Sierra Leoneans, especially in the midst of unique and decent patriotic hard working fellow Sierra Leoneans. Even in our local communities that we live such devilish heal attitude and behaviour do happen. In view of that do not forget the phrase, “your best friend is your secret enemy “. Therefore, even those that you are currently working with be watchful when dealing with them they could easily be used by your enemies, to sabotage your job and name. However, I am not saying that you should not trust them. Encourage them but at the same time open your eyes and ears on them by monitoring some of their activities.
In view of that be also aware of corrupt Sierra Leoneans, especially in your current position as Chairman of the floods committee. They are enemies of peace, progress and development in the country as I stated in one of my writings. According to my radar, you are one of the signatories for the floods’ funds bank account as Chairman. Do not give them chance to sabotage your job. Ensure that any penny or cent is use for the purpose for which it is provided for. Corrupt Sierra Leoneans need efficient and effective monitoring systems.
Many corrupt Sierra Leoneans will see the floods issue that brought additional untold suffering in the lives of our poor people as an opportunity to enrich themselves through their corrupt activities at the expense of the innocent, defenceless, powerless masses and the country. As they did in the Ebola Virus funds that left unforgettable history in the minds of many Sierra Leoneans.
Before, the Ebola corruption saga came out, I wrote a piece, advising President Koroma that he should be ready to fasten his belt to ask for stewardships of every individual and organizations that the ebola money is being entrusted up on.
Because there are certain unpatriotic corrupt Sierra Leoneans that will use such sorrowful plight in the country as an opportunity for them to grab more lands or buy lands, build houses, luxury cars and add more wives and concubines in their lives at the expense of the poor dying masses in the country. Yes indeed it became a reality. When President Korma asked for accountability reports on the ebola funds many fishes, including bigger ones were caught in the corruption net of the country.
So Mr. Vice President, be also aware that you are currently in a very serious test that is being given to you by President Koroma. That is the position of Chairman of the floods committee, especially for the relocation of all Sierra Leoneans being affected by the floods in Freetown, particularly the poor fellow Sierra Leoneans. Your success and failure as Vice President and Chairman of such committee lies in your hands. Therefore, put a proper monitoring and supervisory power mechanism to ensure that your enemies will not have a field day over you. Therefore, I suggest that you ask each of them to give monthly, quarterly and yearly reports on how they spend their monies.
However, I would also like to suggest that the said relocation of floods’ victims’ houses should have a very good town plan, especially when it is a new permanent settlement. Therefore the houses should not look like refugees’ camp houses. They should be properly built. Our unfortunate brothers and sisters in the country have the rights to have good houses to lay their heads with their families this time around. There should be good access roads, especially for the disable Sierra Leoneans, good toilet facilities, good drainage system, good electricity supply, enough good drinking water, good mark facilities, good schools, government transport availability etc.
And also if Sierra Leoneans whose houses that being demolished by government, especially at Aberdeen, Lumley Beach etc. they were not been included in the floods’ victims relocation plan of action, please Mr President Koroma and Vice President Foh let them be considered in the action plan. Such relocation program would be another legacy of your APC government if properly handle, regardless of what others may s