The formation of SLPP was a major national blunder in the history of Sierra Leone. This party became a breeding ground for violence, thuggery and insurrectionist projects. Political violence and intimidation in the SLPP and by the SLPP can be traced as far as the Albert Margai era. Later, in the early 90s Alie Kabba under the disguise of multi-party governance, led a Libyan-Sierra Leone war project that brought about massive atrocities and massive devastation in the country…A decade of war rebellion attracted majority of the SLPP intellectuals including the late Tamba Sam, Victor Reider (Known as Faya Musa) and Paul Dumba in the RUF. It was later the least educated Foday Saybana Sankoh rose to rank of 16 in the RUF register.
MURDER BY SLPP ; now killing their own supporters
Foday Sankoh was just the head of the Military wing of the RUF. The Head of the political wing of the RUF was the overall head of the RUF and it was believed to be Alie Kabba who now perambulates as presidential candidate for the SLPP. The RUF military wing lost trust in the SLPP intellectuals who were in the political wing. This development brought about the emergence of Foday Sankoh as the leader of the RUF. By 1992, the RUF was constrained by a lot of factors. That group was unable expand beyond Kailahun and Pujehun and as such some rogue intellects in the SLPP infiltrate the military to overthrow the APC. John Benjamin was assigned to direct the military coup. Later, the brutal and barbaric gang known as the NPRC employed intellectuals of the SLPP including Dr Kandeh Yumkella, Tejan Kabba, Solomon Berewa, SYB Saccoh to assist the mutiny. It was John Benjamin in concert with Bio that promoted the massacre of 29 innocent people and many others believed to be supporters of APC…John Benjamin, Maada Bio among others knows every detail of the NPRC massacre because they were present during the massacre. Today, John Benjamin is enjoying the smoke that he created…The Smoke of the Monster. The monster of violence in the SLPP.
The NPRC gang of rebel soldiers embarked on massive atrocities against innocent civilians climaxed by killing of people believed to be associates of the APC including Salamy Cocker, Bambay Kamara, Colonel K M S Dumbuya and Major Yaya Kanu as part of the 29 people murdered by Maada Bio, John Benjamin, Kerefa Kargbo, Charles Bayoh, Komba Kambo, Valentine Strasser etc… Violence in the SLPP and by the SLPP did not stop even after winning the fraudulent election in 1996 organized by Dr James Jonah. The SLPP engineered violence between the Kamajors and the constitutional army.
The Kabba-Demby and Solomon Berewa regime misused and misled the Kamajors into many bloody confrontation against the army. Many people died as a result of such misguided policy. As a result of the misguided policy of replacing the constitutional army, the Army ousted the Tejan administration and formed alliance with the RUF. Coincidentally, the SLPP had failed in its attempt to undermine the leadership of Foday Sankoh’s in the RUF after the Abidjan Peace Accord. The RUF no longer had confidence in the SLPP Kabba administration and the RUF was desperate to expose the SLPP intellectuals.
The SLPP agenda was to silence Foday Sankoh. Later, Sierra Leone became divided between the Pro-democrats and the ‘Collaborators’ during the AFRC. The SLPP 98.1 radio network controlled by Dr Julius Spencer, Former Ambassador Alie Bangura and Hannah Fullah preached hate and division across the country. The Nigerian interventionist force procured by private diamond deals between Kabba and Abacha committed massive atrocities and institutions like the UN Special Court and the Political TRC deliberately refused to investigate those crimes.
The Solomon Berewa killing through a political treason trial is still fresh in the minds of families. Solomon Berewa became rich over night by taking bribes from families of those accused of treason in the military court martial and civilian trials. A so-called presidential aspirant now a minister in the APC administration was also a lead prosecutor against innocent people believed to be APC. The SLPP regime executed 24 innocent souls including a pregnant lady, Kula Samba. The SLPP believes in violence. Today, John Benjamin and Maada Bio have done it again. Kandeh Yumkella, Secretary of state in that brutal and barbaric the NPRC gang is now facing the wrath of violence that was sown. These elites created the monster in the SLPP. They have defecated on the SLPP, a once hopeful and ambitious proto-nationalist party.
Today, the SLPP is in a serious cataclysm. It has a crisis of violence. Violent and war-liked men have taken over the party. Individuals that should be facing criminal prosecution or jail term for war crimes and atrocities have taken over. The SLPP is in a conundrum, and until that party exorcises violence her viability in the Political arena of Sierra Leone will be a foregone conclusion. The SLPP has built a volcano and it may erupt at any time. Where are the emergency services???