*Bio Led Government in the face of International Conspiracy.*
1. The United States requested for extradition of one of Sierra Leonean citizen to America for trial in respect of a crime alleged he committed in America. The Bio regime refused to comply on the grounds that Gibril Bangura and others in America should also be extradited to Sierra Leone for inciting citizens who violently protested, that led to the killings of Police Officers on August 10th. The United States turned down the counter request, and a regime change conspiracy was……………
2. The British requested the Bio government to hand over the thirty acres of land at Leicester Square (IMATT) to them for the construction of a military base and administrative centre. The Bio government made a counter offer by requesting the British government to hand over the other two locations they already occupied in Freetown in exchange for the thirty acres. The British said “it was a red line crossed” by the Bio government. The Bio government then suggested that if the British still wanted to hold onto the other two locations in Freetown, then the government could only offer ten acres to the British. The British then suggested that the remaining twenty acres should not be used for any other purpose. The Bio led regime said no to the British because land use is a matter of sovereignty, and dictating land use by a foreign friend is an act of bullying. The British got angry and a regime change…………
3. The European Union 🇪🇺 had this belief that Sierra Leone can never fund their own elections neither be in a position to fund the free quality education. The Bio led government proved them wrong. When the European Union realised that the Bio led regime was saving money to support the census and the 2023 elections, thus sending a signal that the business of the European Union dictating the direction or the outcome of the 2023 elections was no more part of the equation, a regime change …………
4. When the Bio led regime started reviewing mining concessions in an effort to ensure that the minerals of Sierra Leone benefits its people, the European, American and British investors started lobbying the European, American and British politicians and law makers to ensure that the Maada regime must go. So their seenators and law makers are today actively pursuing a regime change in Sierra Leone, using both local and international actors.
So if Sierra Leoneans and other well-meaning Global Actors are wondering WHY the level of hate and violent activities are so extensive and perpetrated against the Bio led regime, the above answer your question.
Sierra Leoneans will have to brace up, for there are more difficult times ahead. The Western Bullies have decided that if their “Policy of Bulley” is resisted by the Bio led regime, then there will be no peace or development in Sierra Leone. We are in for a long walk. But the good news is that at the end of the day, Sierra Leone and Sierra Leoneans will continue to have value and their freedom not mortgaged.
*@ Njeigboi Njaliema*