By Abdul Bero Kamara
The APC party is concerned over the prevailing hardship and high cost of living in the country
Sledgehammer Online News**
By Abdul Bero Kamara ( Chief)
Friday 23, 2024
The current situation in Sierra Leone under President Bio’s leadership has left many citizens feeling neglected and disheartened.
Despite promises of a better future, President Bio’s actions have shown a lack of concern for the well-being of the Sierra Leonean people.
Issues such as the rising cost of staple foods, power shortages, and the high cost of living have only worsened under the watch of his administration.
Meanwhile, the opposition party, the APC, is particularly concerned by President Bio’s apparent disregard for the struggles faced by the population.
However, critics question whether President Bio truly values the advice of his advisors or listens to the concerns of the people.
Instead of addressing the pressing issues at hand, President Bio appears more focused on travelling between countries, leaving many to wonder if he truly cares about the welfare of his citizens or if he is simply indifferent to their struggles.
According to the World Bank’s recent report, the issue of food scarcity has become more pronounced in Sierra Leone, with a significant number of families finding it hard to secure essential meals and nutrition.
Add-in salt to injury the report further highlighted that by August 2023, 81% of households found themselves unable to cater to their fundamental food and nutrition necessities.
It is further stated that one in every four individuals faces chronic undernourishment. With a growing population, the number of undernourished people rose from 1.6 million in 2018 to over 3.5 million by 2025.
As Sierra Leoneans continue to face hardships, the lack of action and empathy from President Bio has led to growing frustration and a sense of being taken for granted by the SLPP government of President Bio.
Now that there is no hope for a rerun, President Bio is going to conclude his stolen second term, meanwhile, the majority of Sierra Leonenas are worried about their future because things are getting worse by the day. As it stands no hope for the future until 2028, when the APC will come back to power.
Until then stay tuned
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