25 Babadorie Hills, Lumley, Freetown
Sierra Leone
15th May, 2018.
Address to: The Outgoing Chief of Staff, Saidu Conton Sesay
The Outgoing Presidential Adviser Energy, Ing. Mustapha Kargbo
The Chairman EGTC Mr. GEORGE Taylor Lewis
The Chairman EDSA Prof. Kabineh Koroma
The Chairman EWRC Dr. Zubairu Kalokoh
The Permanent Secretary MOE, Mrs. Zainab Buya Kamara
The Director General EDSA Management Contractor Ing. Saffa Issa
The Director General EDSA Counterpart Alh. Amadu Timbo
The Director General EWRC Tamba Kellie Esq.
The Director of Energy Ing. Benjamin Kamara
The Technical Adviser Ing. Patrick Tarawalli
The Project Manager Bumbuna Mr. Cyril Grant
The Project Delivery Manager Ngozi Beckley Lines
The Technical Adviser MCC, M. Pascal Habay
The Technical Assistant UNOPS, Mrs Millicent Lewis Ojumu
The D.S. MOE, Mr. Komba Momoh
The Staff of MOE, EGTC and EDSA
The Notice Board MOE
Copy: The Minister of Energy, Hon. Kanja Sesay
The Law Officers Department Mrs Martina Koroma
The PPP Unit Mr Abu Kamara
The MCC Unit Mrs Ndeye Koroma
The Head UNOPS
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As a new administration takes over at the Energy Sector leading Ministry of Energy, and my Administration bows out, let me thank you for all your efforts and cooperation through the almost 4 years of my stewardship and for the epic success we achieved together as a Team.
I came in with a blend of private sector urgency and diplomatic patience in my approach to tackling the most difficult Ministry, aiming to meet with the stringent and ever rising demand for electricity and the constant pressure on my performance, and even on my personal image, through which we shared many difficult times, and sometimes personal challenges.
The good news is that we jointly achieved what had never been achieved before in the history of Sierra Leone, and this is irrefutable and undeniable, and measurable.
1. The longest serving Ministry of Energy administration, serving for almost 4 years.
2. Increase in Energy Access from 10% to almost 25%
3. Increase in annual 2014 electricity production from about 160million kwh to almost 350 million kwh in 2017.
4. Increase in installed capacity from 100MW to 282MW.
5. Almost 350MW more in signed projects.
6. Transmission and Distribution drastically improved and more projects such as WAPP, Bo Kenema, and India Exim signed.
7. Best Ministry of the year for three (3) years running by Diaspora Award and other organisations.
8. Best Renewable Energy Ministry from ECREE.
9. Achieving 24 hours power supply in Freetown.
10. Most peaceful and stable Ministry of Energy ever in the history of the Sector.
We also set the Sector on a strong forward path, creating the enabling environment for more private investment to support Government’s efforts and for more renewable energy, to guarantee a better energy blend to reduce costs, improve on the viability of the Sector and ensure sustainability.
Friends, this short list of successes should give you a deep sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and a pride. Imagine where we could have been of everything we had planned had been implemented and if everyone had constantly and continuously pulled together with one focus.
It is up to you all not to allow these massive gains to slide back and see our Country plunged back into the dark yesteryears. We should search ourselves and expunge the attitudes that attenuated our progress and accelerate on those that pushed us forward. Knowing all of you, I guarantee you have it in you to achieve the greatest heights and enlarge on the electricity legacy we jointly built.
I therefore ask for your full support of and cooperation with my successor, Hon. Kanja Sesay, to whom I have already offered my support as well to ensure his tenure succeeds as mine did.
Let us remember that the job of providing light is a blessed and God given task, and that the cost of darkness is much higher than the cost of light.
May God continue to bless you and your families as you do this and may he protect all of you as you go through your daily and sometimes arduous duties.
With my very best wishes
Very sincerely
*Amb. Henry O. Macauley*
*Outgoing Minister of Energy*