Jonathan Leigh has been buried in Freetown

Ambassador Jonathan Leigh who passed away on 9th April, 2022 at the Connaught Hospital in Freetown was buried today at the Ascension Town Cemetery after funeral and communion service at the Buxton Methodist Church, Charles Street in Freetown.
Yesterday, a book of condolence for the late Jonathan Leigh was opened at the SLAJ Headquarters on Campbell Street in Freetown. Tributes from SLAJ, SWASAL, GoNE, VeJU, a friend and family member were delivered in honour of the late Jonathan Leigh.
His best friend, Sorie Fofana of the Global Times newspaper described him as, “an illustrious and quintessential journalist”. He added “Jonathan was a very loyal friend…He was firm and faithful in his support for his friends…He practiced Journalism with passion and commitment”.
Jonathan Leigh spent his whole adult life in the practice of Journalism. He worked for several local and international media outlets before he established the “Independent Observer” newspaper in August 1997. He became the paper’s first and only managing editor until he was appointed as Sierra Leone’s Deputy Ambassador to Germany in 2018.
After almost three years in Germany, Jonathan Leigh returned home to continue with his trade. Until his sudden demise in April 2022, he was the managing editor of the “Independent Observer” newspaper.
Jonathan Leigh will be sorely and surely missed by the journalism fraternity.
RIP, Jay Leigh!