Wednesday September 21, 2005
First_Name: Safa Last_Name: Lahai Email_Address: [email protected] Address: 230 Parkhill Avenue City: New York State: NY Zip_Code: 10304 Comments: WHAT IS WRONG WITH SAM FORAY? Sam we did not put our lives, money, times and personality on the line in other to be redicule. What you are doing is totally against the Chief's interest and what we all stand for. Our fight is a ligit one, and we can do it without a threat of another carnaige. Bringing all the batle hading groups together is a threat to our democracy, you know that so please stop this nonsense and come back to the main stream. Sam, you are not a policy formulator you are a spokesman you should be talking not making or formulating anything..please stop. I dont know what you are pressing on with forming this gange; will it be that you have your own agenda? you know our fight now is to take the chiefs case both to the people of Sierra Leone and the special court itself but why are you deviating from this..why? please come back to the main stream and continue with a united effort to free the chief and restore our law should be above Sierra Leone CONSTITUTION not even the Quran or the Bible...that is our fight....please come back May the lord guide you Thank you all. Safa.

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