By Tony Bee, Sydney, Australia
My brothers and sisters Sierra Leoneans, I think up to now we are not learning any good lesson from the 11years of our post brutal civil war in the country, especially the youth. If the youth did not learn any good lesson during the war that destroyed many innocent precious lives of poor Sierra Leoneans, I am appealing to them to rethink. However, I believed they learned from some of their colleagues that are currently roaming about in the streets of Freetown, Bo, Kenema. Pujahun, Kailahun and Makeni called amputees from what the war did to them. Some of them are without arms and legs. But who cares about their plight.
The unpatriotic power hungry politicians that armed them with guns to fight for them presently did they care for them? Absolutely it is a big no. And in fact if one is to do a research on them to find out if any of those desperate for power politicians’ children are among the group of amputees and also those walking in the streets begging for their daily living for lake of parental care. The answers will surely be another big No.
Therefore, fellow Sierra Leoneans, especially the youth you should now have to wake up from your slumber and stand alert to defend your country against enemies of peace, progress and development in the country both home and abroad, especially now that the election days just remain two. In view of that , I would like you to know that enemies of peace and progress are not sleeping.
The are fighting tooth and nail to see that they succeed in achieving the implementation of their diabolic satanic evil plans against the country to satisfy their self-centred political ambitions at the expense of the nation. In view of that you should prepare yourselves very well to say NO to them (enemies of peace). Please let NO one make fool of you that he or she is fighting for your freedom of movement or assemble. They are deceitful people. They have an unpatriotic evil hiding agenda, But they want to use your name to achieve their evil plans. Please do not listen to them.
The reason being violence and war are not good. We should know what it means to be in the midst of violence and war situations. For the fact that we have tasted or tried both of them (violence and war) in the county the problems are still there. Therefore, they are not the answers to our country’s chronic problems. As a result, we should say a big no to the devil incarnation Sierra Leoneans, especially to any individual or group of unpatriotic Sierra Leoneans that may want to take us back to the Dark Days of Foday Sankoh and others violence and war days in the country that will kill our people, particularly our poor people and destroy their properties again.
Therefore, please, any one or group that may tell you to go out in the streets to go and risk your precious lives for anything, including demonstrations, please tell that individual or group that they should first go out with their wives, children, families or relatives to lead the demonstrations. They should not sit in their comfort zones in Europe, America, Australia, Asia or in their small hiding places and tell you to go out and demonstrate for their unpatriotic and ungrateful political gains at the expense of your valuable lives.
Mind you it’s of no secret that those enemies of peace in and out of the country that are telling you to resist the results of the elections are not currently living in the country. They are living abroad with their wives, children and relatives enjoying themselves. Their children are going to schools and universities abroad. While they, the wicked unpatriotic and ungrateful Sierra Leonean politicians are trying to disrupt your children education in the country to satisfy their political hungry and thirsty ambitions at the expense of your own expensive lives and those of your children.
I will also like you to know that the enemies of peace and development that are currently living in the country many of them have personal securities in their houses, offices and hiding places to protect them. i would also like you to know that many of them have two different passports to escape from the country after they will finished putting you and you children on fire burning or killing one another.
To you the youths or young people you are the target, especially the school going children, the university students, okadar riders, etc please be wise. You are the ones the unpatriotic wicked violence and warmonger politicians will like to use like stupid tools at your own expense, instead of their own wives, children and relatives. You will never see them with their children leading demonstrations.
So your lives are precious to us please do not allow enemies of peace and progress to use you. Those that will tell you to challenge or resist the security personnel do tell them that you are no longer stupid to that. Therefore, tell them to first lead the resistance movement with their own wives and children before they will call you to join.
If you do allow them to use you, you will have no one to blame but yourselves for any consequences that you may face, particularly in the case of losing your lives during the process. The hard fact is that the AK47 Bullets and Kamajors Bullets don’t know who is an APC supporter or who is SLPP, NGC etc supporters. It will kill any one it will meet. Thanks for NOT allowing them to use your for their self-centred political gains.