With all thanks to Mr. Ibrahim Pat-Sowe, we bring you the inaugural address by the Chairman of the APC-USA Branch, Mr. Unisa Kanu, during the inauguration of the executive of APC-USA in Georgia on Saturday March 18, 2017
Please join me in thanking my beautiful wife Mrs Samah Kanu and my sons for their supports and patience as I pursue my political ambitious .
Ladies and Gentlemen, let me humbly recognize in absential, His Excellency The president, leader and chairman of the All People’s Congress party Dr Ernest Bai Koroma, deputy leader Hon Minkailu Mansaray, Secretary General Ambasssador Osman F. Yansanneh, Western Area Regional chairman and Chairman of all chairmen Hon Alieu Pat-Sowe, APC diaspora and elections coordinator Hon Balogun Logus Koroma, and the President of the Women’s Congress Madam Elizabeth Mans. These great distinguish and honorable members are here in spirit. TRUST ME.
Former Dallas chapter president and now minister of Political and Public affairs and our keynote speaker Madam Nanette Thomas, all other Distinguished and Honorable Guests and all those who have travelled far and near, I want to thank you for being here to grace this occasion. This is a remarkable occasion, which would not have been possible without many resilient young men and women in our midst this evening.
Let me start by acknowledging some of the distinguished guests and the pillars of the All People’s Congress – His Excellency Ambassador Bockarie Stevens, aka “THE PEOPLE’S AMBASSADOR,” Permanent Representative to the United Nation Mission, Ambassador Sumah, Mr. John B. Sesay, Mr Abu B.Bundu of Ohio and our entire energetic chapter presidents.
Last but of great importance our able former Interim chairman comrade Ibrahim S Kamara. It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your Chairman of the APC party in America. This is a very important job and I promise to work with you in various capacities to move the goals of our party forward.
These first few months have been exciting and challenging at the same time. I have spent some time visiting various chapters and spending time in Sierra Leone to address ongoing concerns from our constituents. I have heard many stories of hope, passion and faith. I have also heard stories of difficulties and overwhelming challenges.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me assure you that time is right, the energy is here, and we are the future of the party. We have a lot of work to do in a very little time to position ourselves to keep moving the agenda for prosperity forward.
Chapter Presidents
I thank you all for the hard work in your Diasporas and for being here to support us today. As a chapter president, your role is bigger than you would like to acknowledge. You are the backbone of these branche, therefore you will have to work well with your members to be successful.
Remember what Chinua Achebe said, “Things fall apart when the center cannot hold.” When I was in your role as chapter president of the Georgia, I listened, I took feedbacks, I offered feedbacks, I was there as a friend, a brother or whatever support I could offer. I am looking up to you, to make sure we have high-functioning branches in the U.S.
There is no time to spend on minor misunderstandings. We have goals to achieve, we have a vision to realize and we have people who cannot wait one more day to see improved communities here and at home.
Let us appreciate the things that have gone right and let us work on the things that will move us forward.
• Bylaws we are working on it through our National Advisory Council
• Fundraising events – Let’s raise funds for a 2018 elections victory
• Let’s sustain the peace forever
Some of the highlights of 2016 include the change in leadership of the APCUSA.
As your chairman, I want to assure you that the current elected officials are taking strides in their different roles to ensure that our organizational goals are met. In September 2016, we welcomed his Excellency, Dr. Ernest Bai-Koroma to our newly structured team and we discussed our goals and opportunities.
We also inaugurated the leaders of the Minnesota Chapter, President. Bakar Bundu, the New England Chapter President. Moses Bangura, and the North Carolina Chapter President. Sophian Kalokoh. I will be remiss if I fail to mention key stakeholders who have contributed in many ways to the gains that we have achieved together.
To my Vice–Chair 1 Mr. Joseph B. Kamara, Vice Chair 2- Madam Maimounatu Conteh, our entire executive members and the host chapter and its president Madam Mariama Fofanah.
It takes a team effort to accomplish these goals. Each and every member who have participated in the fundraising activities or in the forums or in any other way, I want you to know that you have been a vital part of these successful events.
In 2017, there are key strategic goals that we will be taking on together. Our President has been a good role-model in highlighting the role of women in governance
The Women
Women are our lifeline. When I travel around the U.S., I see the key roles women are playing in the success of our branches. I am calling on our chapter leaders to tap into the talent and skills of our amazing women in these chapters at all levels. They are a lifeline to our party.
The Youth
On that note, we also have to think about the young people who are the future of this party. We have to make sure they stay interested in the party and support them with innovation and development.
There’s a lot to do for our country, but the work starts here. It starts with each and every one of us supporting our party, participating in meetings, making small contributions, serving on committees doing the heavy lifting to put our party where it belongs.
We have to position ourselves to win this election and continue the work that has been started by our able President Dr Ernest Bai Koroma. This is not a one person’s job. It will take a team for this to be successful. Don’t leave this event tonight without connecting with your leaders on any of the initiative that your chapter is working on, and see what you can bring to the team.
If it is the Unity Initiative, the Public Policy Initiative or the Administrative Reform, whatever your heart gives you to be a part of.
I would need your support to keep these committees productive and thriving. We have some areas of focus to work on, but the New Year brings new life and vitality to our goals.
I would like to end my speech by requesting for a minute silent prayers for those who lost their lives to the Ebola virus and all APC party supporters in Sierra Leone and the Diaspora.
Thank you for your audience and may Allah’s mercies be bestowed upon us all.