Message of Goodwill from the APC Peace Facilitators (Moral Guarantors) to the emergency National Delegates Convention of September 17-19.
1.As we prepare for the adoption of the draft Constitution on Sept 17 – 19th 2021
it is of paramount interest that at the end of it all, we emerge more unified and triumphant.
2. It is therefore, prudent that, we the members of our glorious party manifest the highest degree of tolerance, inclusiveness and peaceful co-existence as implied in the very name of our Party- The All People’s Congress. We call for our collective
willingness and determination to conduct the impending National Delegates Conference with common understanding, an atmosphere of peace, tranquility, serenity, and honor.

3. This is particularly important bearing in mind that the Draft Constitution before this National Delegates Conference has gone through the most rigorous process involving all of the Party Leadership and Secretariat. Comrades all, this Constitution was reviewed and endorsed at a Special NAC meeting of first November 2020. It was adopted with a thunderous applause by all following a very moving statement of our Chairman and Leader in which he assured all that, the only change he will allow is any positive addition and that we as a party should learn tosolve our problems out of court. It is against this background that the National Delegates Conference will receive the draft for it’s adoption.
4. The APC is recognized for its cooperation, solidarity, tolorance, diversity, inclusiveness, resilience, dignity and above all comradeship. It is but fitting now more than ever that, we APCians bring these unique home-grown qualities to bear at this critical time in our party’s history.
5. We urge all to delibrate in Good faith and most paramount, in the best interest of the entire membership to seize this moment and make the reforms necessary to give fresh visibility to our Party and to ensure enduring peace.
6. We also recognize the singular and important role of our Chairman and Leader towards a successful outcome to the benefit of our glorious APC.
7. Wishing us fruitful delibrations and may God bless the APC.
Hon. Amara Alikali Kamara
Chairman Peace Facilitators.