Ismael Keatu Yillah attended the Prince of Wales School – Form 1 – 5. He then continued to St. Edwards – Lower 6, and Upper 6, respectively before proceeding to the Fourah Bay College where he graduated with a BA. Honours; he attended the Sierra Leone Law School. Ismael worked for the Sierra Leone Ministry of Trade Industry.
He is survived by: Mother: Mrs. Imbambay Yillah
Siblings: Ishmael Sorie Yillah of The International Criminal Court- Hague, Netherlands.
Binturabi, Lamin,Aminata, Khadija, Fatmata, Beatrice (BB) and Bintu in the U.S.
Abubakarr ( Alim ) , Akim Iscandri, Sheriffa and Alhaji in the UK
Kadie, Haja, Marie, Haja Mansaray in Freetown.
Father: Late Commissioner of Police I.S. Yillah. Sincere sympathy and condolence extend to the Yillah Family and extended families in Sierra Leone and the Diaspora and may his and his late father’s soul rest in perfect peace. Armeen / Amen. Sympathy & Condolence: (DJ) Omar Conteh 240-533-6242
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