By Paul Kamara aka Salone Mandela _
Democracy is tolerance and the right to free speech. But it also means respect for one another and views. To repeat the Makeni flop or endorsement of a particular person and then to denigrate other fbs is simply wrong to say the least, and can only deepen the gnawing Makeni wounds.

Ambassador Alimamy’s audio and the protest letters from other aspirants reflects the growing rift amongst flagbearers and this certainly does not augur well for the peace, unity and well-being of the party. These flagbearers too have their support base; some jumping here and there don’t! It is APC that brought them to the political limelight! This is a fact! EBK like Samura hit prominence because of APC, but some flagbearers were already popular or a household name long before their aspirations. We need a flagbearer that would cut across the political divide simply because the APC like the SLPP have their own strongholds!
So we therefore demand a national candidate with a national character!
And let nobody underrate the collective power of the flagbearers against one intransigent one!
The APC cannot afford to splinter again! It did so once when Forna and Taqi left the party bcos of the same tyrannical one party selective mentality and for corruption. They formed the National Unity Party and was poised to defeat Shaki when they were falsely accused of a trumped-up coup and subsequently executed. We don’t want that APC mentality anymore! We cry SLPP for their tyrannical and undemocratic actions against our party; but we still continue to worship the same selection mentality which has done no good to the majority Saloneans since independence!
Our party leader EBK admonished all in Port Loko to wait until the party blow the whistle and not beat the gun. In athletics, the person who does so is automatically out! Some fbs always like to do things thru the back bcos of complex and uncertainty.
Let us therefore respect the law not breakers! But alas! They just can’t control their vaulting ambitions! EBK assured all and sundry that the APC party will this time go democracy thru a reformed, democratic constitution that would reflect the true spirit of our national constitution.
We should take cognisance of Dr Marrah’s concerns about the growing party shisms caused by we all know who, including the COI, the dragging and yet to be concluded NRM court case, not forgetting the negative, provocative and mediocre actions of certain shameless political brats and prostitutes; who always believe that power must come by nakedly touting their greedy and selfish interests thru roguery and Machiavellianism.
Young party members must not therefore take relish to abuse fb aspirants for simply raising their concerns to the party secretariat; which is the official party channel to express grievances; and for condemning the actions of those destructive and sell-out elements who are known for their turn-coatism and deception.
Some of these anti-democrats some with questionable characters only came to the political limelight thru the grace of EBK. Why should Adebayo who should be condemned outright for his unbrought-up ways as well as those guys who want to force or shove down the throats of fbs by wanting to repeat the same Makeni mentality which today has plunged the party in disarray and imperilled the lives and possessions of senior party stalwarts now facing the wrath of a ruthless and Caligula-incarnate!
Let the APC youth learn to respect party elders especially fbs and not to abuse without cause simply for their own preferred candidate.
Let youths learn to discuss intelligently without using abusive or rancorous language. We therefore look forward to a conscious and well-focussed APC youth who can win votes from the opponents camp not by mamy cuss or tirades of vulgarities but by the power of their conviction!