Ibrahim T Jalloh
As a nation we should clearly understand that constitutions are not written to benefit or support the ideology of any particular party or a group of individuals but for nation as a whole. .
They should be written simply for the benefits of those under that jurisdiction and not for selfishness or egotism.
Constitutions are very serious documents that require respect , safely protected,preserved and interpreted properly and fairly.
They are the bibles of a country and they must be preserved, respected and valued by our leaders, those who execute them as well that nation.
Any attampt to manupulate, alter or destroy our constitution by anyone should be discouraged and stopped immediately.
We should never relent in our efforts to protect and preserve that document.
Sierra. Leone has seen too many different types of constitutions simply because they were not written in good faith .
We have had a long history of egotism and tyrannical agendas in our constitutional history and we need to move away from that now and adhere strictly to the principles of constitutional democracy.
We need to have our constitution written in plain simple English so that it be understood by the people and our constitutional vultures will not eat all of us by misinterpreting it.
The provisions for two terms limit should be written just like this — serve two terms and you are done never to come back in that presidential office in any capacity .
The wordings should be very clear so that they CANNOT be manipulated, altered or destroyed by anybody including the criminal judges and the enforcement agencies.
When constitutions are written with various clauses either saying the same thing or creating situations that could be subject to any form of interpretations, that could give the unjust judges and the police the avenues to misinterpret the laws.
Those who are given the responsibilities of rewriting the constitution should know very well that the African politician is a constitutional criminal.
They should refrain from given them too much powers . Checks and balances must be at the pinnacles of political power .
History has made it categorically clear to us that African leaders are in love with totalitarianism, egotism , regionalism and corruptions.
If the constitution gives the African politician one loop hole he will surely take twenty or more .
The African leaders have demonstrated many times that ,they want only absolute powers and nothing else.
That totalitarian ego and the desire for absolute powers in them are destroying everything in Africa including needed developments.
The then position papers presented by the APC to CRC demonstrated the limited knowledge that party had about the constitution and the values of democracy .
The party wanted the president to be granted the power to fire the elected VP . What was wrong with the APC ?
Democracy do not allow an elected officer to be removed by an elected officer .
That power was invested to the people and they can exercise that by a recall or trial and conviction by parliament .
They were also saying in many ways that the dismissal of the VP from office by the president was illegal . If it was legal for the president to have fired the VP . why should the APC asked again for that provision to be in the new constitution ?
The APC wanted the constitution to be written only for the APC and the rest of us should go to hell if we didn’t like it .
Sierra Leone has a history of copying bad examples. They APC politicians did it when they were in power so the SLPP leaders should do the same even though it is totally wrong.
We must always emulate good examples and not bad ones .
Today we have a new government and this new government should not try to do what the previous government did that was illegal and immorally toxic to the country.
The people of Sierra Leone have an obligation to protect and preserve their constitution.
Any attempt to change it that will reflect the agenda of a certain group and not the whole country must be opposed .
We should fight against all indications that will result to those selfish, egoistic and despotic AGANDAS.
We must demand the principal principles of democracy—– EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL AND THE RULE OF LAW..
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