By: – Alhaji Mohamed Wusha-Conteh :
In keeping with the teaching of the Holy Quran and traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him, as stated in Sura Bagara verse 155-157 “We will test you with a certain amount of fear and hunger and loss of wealth and life and fruits of your toil. But give good news to the steadfast: Those who, when disaster strikes them, say, “We belong to Allah and to Him we will return”. Those are the people who will have blessings and mercy from their Lord; they are the ones who are guided.
The Temne Community Development Council Sierra Leone has embarked on spiritual prayers by supporting all regional chief imams to pray for the EBOLA outbreak in the country especially during the last ten nights whilst going through the night of power in the month of Ramadan because according to health authorities the disease cannot be cured.
In his remarks the national president of the temne community development council Sierra Leone Alhaji Issa Catco Kamara emphasized that according to health authorities, certain restrictions should be followed in order to prevent the disease but as the disease do not have cure. He emphasized that since such afflictions are mentioned in the Holy Quran he thought it wise to called on the imams to intensify on prayers in their various mosques whilst praying. He reiterated that Allah created us to struggle though most of us don’t like to struggle; We like ease. But Allah assured us in the Holy Qur’an that when difficulties come in your life, know that ease is coming.
Alhaji Catco stressed that as Muslims we should see illness not as a punishment from Allah, but rather as a test and a purification of sins. He made reference to Prophet Ayoub (AS) who was thankful, repentant, patient and steadfast in worshipping Allah despite his sickness. He revealed that this is their second intervention on the EBOLA disease as they were the first group to present ten million leones (Le 10,000,000) to help combat the disease.
In his welcome address the national chairman of the temne community development council Hon. Alhaji Hassan Gbassay Kanu thanked the regional chief Imams from the North, East, South and Western Area for joining them in their campaign to eradicate this EBOLA disease through Prayers. He encouraged all to work hand in hand with the health authorities and report whatever suspected case.
The program was climaxed with the distribution of one hundred and fifty 150 bags of rice to the various regions.
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