By Rodney Michael
*PADEMBA ROAD PRISONS must be relocated away from the Capital!*
A few months ago, residents of Freetown experienced their own attempt of what the authorities described as a “prison break effort”.

In the early hours of 29th April 2020, two days after Sierra Leone’s 59th Independence Anniversary, the Capital went into panic after rapid gun fire and news of a jail break was circulated all over social forums.
It was a serious effort that led to the death of inmates and prison guards. Since that unfortunate day, there have been many suggestions of what really transpired, but the truth or a conclusive explanation is yet to be determined.
The Pademba Road Prisons was founded by the Colonial Authorities in 1914, intended to house 220 prisoners. As it currently stands the prison has more than 2 000 inmates.
There is no disputing the fact the prison should be shut down and a new prison be constructed. Relocating Pademba Road Prisons is must and must be done now.
A while ago a Minister in the President Kabbah Government suggested relocating the Pademba Road Prisons on one of Sierra Leone’s Islands
While this may have been a bit extreme, yet there was logic in the idea of relocation. There is ample space in the western rural or Port Loko District that can accomodate the prisons.
In addition a special criminal court to handle such cases could also be constructed close to a new identified site as could a police station. This would answer sceptics who fear cost and challenges of movements of prisoners.
This could all happen far away from the central of any city and save citizens from the fear of another jail break effort or the tension whenever certain matters appear before the courts.
Such an action or decision will be a very popular pro-active step in the right direction, and the new prisons could be properly designed to accomodate up to 5000 inmates and also provide recreational and educational faciliies as prison is not supposed to be a form of retribution, incapacitation and deterrence only, but also a way of providing opportunities for criminals to be reformed and rehabilitated before returning back to their communities.
*Freetown should no longer be the host of the Prisons – Pademba Road Prisons must go now!** 11 am22/10/2020