Sierra Leone is developing plans, backed by international donors, to improve the quality of it public financial management as part of efforts to strengthen local governance and enhance budget planning.
Sierra Leone’s government has received a grant worth $28.5m from the World Bank, the European Union, the UK Department for International Development and the African Development Bank towards the costs of a new Public Financial Management Improvement and Consolidation Project (PFMICP).
But in order to access the funds the country needs to submit an application in the form of a Concept Note to the Economic Forum (TEF), an independent agent charged with overseeing the application.
The Concept Note will put forward ideas on how to improve PFM and will be reviewed by the TEF, which will provide recommendations for subsequent disbursements.
The Non-State Actor (NSA) secretariat in the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED) has been overseeing the Concept Note’s development and is appealing for ideas for inclusion.
George Lamin Vandi, who is managing the PFM project, said: “The project development objective is to improve budget planning and credibility, financial control, accountability and oversight in public finances in Sierra Leone.”
The deadline for submission of ideas for inclusion in the Concept Note is July 29.