An open letter to Ernest Koroma
Augustine A.D. Tarawally
Kazan, RussiaDear Mr Koroma,
Quoting you directly “longwinded speech” that was “full of sound and fury but “lacking in content”
To me, your statement above is totally vague and you sounded dishonest to your conscience. I understand the poly-tricks and electioneering going on in Sierra Leone but for no less a person than your honorable self to be so dishonest to your personal conscience in making such an erroneous and vague statement about Pa kabbah’s achievements in Sierra Leone is worse than Pa Lamina-a poyo Tapper in Binkolo pecking his nose into Microsoft or wall street. To start with, I’m not a supporter of any political party or political figure in Sierra Leone but honestly speaking, ratting Pa Kabbah’s eleven years tenure at State House as below average during the most difficult time in our nation’s history is not just unfair but humiliating to his personal dignity.
Honorable koroma, please provide me answers to the following questions.
You are making lots of noise all over the place about you having all the miracles, answers and solutions to Sierra Leones ever unending problems. But where were you in 1996 when Sierra Leoneans were yearning for a leader to save the nation from the abyss of catastrophe?
Where were you in 1995 when Honorable Eddie Turay, M.L Bangura and few other true APCs put their lives on the line to revive the party only for you to emerge from nowhere and catapult your way to the top by crook’s law thereby sending the once- united Ekutey family into disarray for more than four years and now claiming reunion just for election sake ?. (APC’s phenomenon-monkey woke, baboon chop)
Why did neither you nor your party produce an alternative plan of action and policies parallel to SLPP policies headed by Kabbah as a shadow government but kept criticizing Pa Kabbah just for the sake of criticism ?.
You’ve accused Pa kabbah and his cronies of being corrupt and stole donor funds but you couldn’t produce any facts and figures to add credence to your claims. Why? At least Pa Kabbah can point at PETS, ACC, NRA, NASSIT, NASCA and host of others as some of the nomenclatures on which his government utilized donor funds wisely and for which the donor community is well pleased with his managerial skills on to the point of patting him on the back but yet you and your noise makers continue to cry him down.
Please Honorable Koroma (Honorable indeed-if you know what is honor) go to DFID, ADB, IMF, World Bank, and other donor agencies helping Sierra Leone and ask them to publish the total amount of aid and the mechanism through which they were channeled to sierra Leone and to Pa kabbah’s government so that Sierra Leoneans can judge for themselves the credibility of Pa Kabbah’s claims of spending donor money wisely and your noise of Pa Kabbah and co. being corrupt or are you try to tell us that the entire donor community love Pa Kabbah so much so that they give him a field day with their money?
Why didn’t you go to the national farmers association and obtain data from them about farming and Pa Kabbah’s food security program that counters Pa Kabbah’s figures if you are really honest to yourself ?
Are school children in your home district not given free books, free schooling and free food that I and the my generation were denied during the APC days? When did the word ‘go slow’ enter the sierra Leonean vocabulary (answer 1990) by then Pa Kabbah was not thinking of becoming a President. Have you heard ‘go slow during pa kabbah’s era even during difficult times?
When Sierra Leone was declared the least developed country in the world and when was Freetown first declared the darkest city in the world? Did late President Momoh (may his soul rest in peace), a major general end the rebel war and didn’t he run away to Guinea when his errand boys came down to kick him out?
Didn’t Pa Kabbah, a world class diplomat negotiate the war to a logical conclusion? And yes he too indeed ran away to Guinea, but if a major general can take to his heels when the pot is boiling over, why not a diplomat?
Aren’t palm wine tappers, cookery sellers, okada boys, farmers not talking to the rest of the world from every corner of Sierra Leone?
Mr Koroma , the list of questions is endless but for now I am not going to over load you but I will, if need be and am patiently waiting for your answers. You have the guts to reduce the hard work of the old man to nonsense, so what do you define as success? I’ll leave you with this advice ‘This is 2007 and NOT repeat NOT 1967.Wake up from slumber and talk real policy and practice true democracy. That 1967 nonsense is not going to work this time. As far as the 21st century Sierra Leone and Sierra Leoneans are concerned, we will let Pa kabbah’s anointed successor the all -able SOLO B (Lucifer himself as the APC and PMDC are portraying him) continue to build on the solid foundation which the old man has left behind, thereby enabling our beloved country to occupy her rightful place in the world community than bring in angels (wolves in sheep clothing) to take us back to the dark ages.