FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE SIERRA LEONE Bar Association, Mrs. Basita Michael , has decried the absence of manifestos in the political campaigns of the parties contesting the forthcoming June 24, 2023 elections. READ HER COMMENTS BELOW :
Thirty-nine days left until the general elections, and still no sign of manifestos from the major political parties. This unfortunate situation is robbing some voters of the crucial time and opportunity needed to make informed decisions at the ballot box.
Traditionally, in most democracies, manifestos are released well in advance of the elections, allowing voters to carefully evaluate the platforms and policies of each party before casting their vote. However, in our case, there is usually a delay in releasing manifestos, and this is deeply troubling.
One cannot help but wonder about the reasons behind this delay. Is it because political parties have grown weary of making promises they can’t keep, or have they simply run out of innovative ideas? Perhaps they are taking voters for granted, assuming they will blindly follow without the need for substantive plans. Or even better, maybe they do not want the elections to be issue-based.
Whatever the cause, this delay in releasing manifestos is an egregious disservice to voters. It denies them the vital information required to make informed decisions about the future leadership of our nation.
I implore the political parties to act swiftly and release their manifestos without further delay. Doing so will give voters the necessary time and information to make a sound and well-considered choice when they head to the polls.
Moreover, in addition to the pressing matter of manifestos, there are several critical questions that voters ought to ask themselves when contemplating which party to support:
What are the party’s top priorities? Will they address the pressing challenges facing our country?
Do they possess the experience, competence, and track record necessary to fulfill their promises?
Can we trust them to genuinely represent our interests and advocate for the welfare of the people?
While manifestos are an essential starting point, they only represent a fraction of the picture. The true test of a party’s integrity lies in how they govern once in power. As voters, it is our responsibility to hold parties accountable for their promises and raise our voices if we find their actions falling short of expectations. Together, we can shape the future we desire for our nation.