John Baimba Sesay-CHINA
Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, His Excellency Mr. Adikalie Foday Sumah’s official visit to China ended successfully, eventually adding up to existing efforts in fostering the ties of friendship between the two republics.
He had arrived on the 24th October on the invitation of the United Nations Association of China and China’s Peoples Institute of Foreign Affairs to deliver a paper at a symposium in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of the restoration of China’s lawful seat in the United Nations.
His speech delivered at the symposium was excellent and touching, cataloguing the historical perspective to the whole struggle, taking into account the critical role played by African countries, and particularly Sierra Leone.
He comes across as a smart diplomat, with a commanding authority on international issues. Impressive, unassuming and articulate!
The world stands to get answers to many of the common problems facing humanity through dialogue as well as communication and exchanges.
Engaging international players on global issues, especially geopolitical issues, presents a better chance to addressing challenges. PR China must have succeeded in her call for her lawful seat in the UN as a result of dialogue, communications and exchange of ideas.
In the words of Ambassador Sumah, “the restoration of China’s seat by the 26th UN General Assembly represented a major victory won through a very protracted struggle by China and accompanied by Sierra Leone and many other developing countries who wanted to uphold justice.”
Sierra Leone’s support to this was outstanding. It was at a time when most nations could not foresee China’s growing infleucne at the international stage, thanks to Siaka Probyn Stevens.
China now remains a strategic player in the global stage. It is the world’s current second largest economy, with a clear trajectory to pull its entire population above the poverty line and to ensure a fairly high level of socioeconomic development.
It continues to enjoy global recognition through, serving as a key player in Africa’s growth. Her role to world peace is spectacular. Ambassador Sumah’s precision in describing China’s contribution to war-ravaged nations is grand; saying “…the UN itself has acknowledged that, China now plays an increasingly-important role in providing public services in war-torn areas.”
“It is clear, he said, “that China’s contribution to the United Nations is quite enormous and for this the world is indeed a better place.”
Sierra Leone and China continue to enjoy cheerful ties not just at the bilateral level, but on issues dealing with multilateral ties and cooperation.
On a broader framework, both nations continue to utilize the Forum On China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in fostering the ties of friendship.
Human resource development is crucial to national growth. Dozens of training opportunities continue to be provided for deserving Sierra Leoneans. This should go a long way in meeting Sierra Leone’s development needs in the long term.
Ambassador Sumah was right, therefore, to have concluded, that, “perhaps the most important contribution of the Chinese Government in the Development of Sierra Leone is in the area of Capacity building of government and other private sector officials”
Rightly so, both countries will continue to work towards fostering these ties.
Indeed, that the Chinese could choose Sierra Leone, through our Permanent Representative in the UN to come to China and deliver a talk at the event speaks volumes of the unbroken cord of friendship.
And to that end, thanks must be given to Mr. Adikalie Foday Sumah for an exemplary performance, eventually making Sierra Leone proud! Congratulations for together we shall lift the bars of friendship!