At the 27th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, Sierra Leone’s President Ernest Koroma takes centre stage once again as he conducts the meeting of the African Union Committee of 10 ( C-10) on United Nations Security Council at the margins of the AU Summit.
The UN Security Council Reform is a very important component of the agenda of the AU. There is no way that Africa will consider itself to be a full partner in the promotion and preservation of international peace and security if it continues not to have a voice in the UN Security Council. Even Africa’s goal of total self-determination by 2020 will not be realized if it continues to operate within the periphery of real matters at the UN Security Council.
Significantly, it has been adjudged by top UN experts that about 75% of the matters discussed at the UN Security Council have to do with Africa. The continent’s problems of armed conflict, terrorism, extremism, intolerance and gender-based violence which are a major threat to human security, peace and development come before the Security Council for consideration on a regular basis. How could solutions be found to these problems at the world council responsible for international peace and security if the very Africa has no say in the deliberations and decision-making process ?
It is certainly and definitely imperative that Africa must have the two seats it is demanding in the Permanent Category of the Security Council and use of the Veto . This is the only way the continent can be said to be on the same page with other forces of the world in the search for international peace, security , hope, cooperation and development.
Africa must determine her own destiny.
The importance of the heavy burden on the shoulders of President Koroma as Chair of C-10, the Committee thrust with the responsibility to canvass support for and propagate the African Common Position on the Security Council Reform negotiations is therefore clearly discernible. The President has to use his political and diplomatic skills and capital to help push the African cause to its desired conclusion. In this, President Koroma has been doing a marvelous job and the efforts of Sierra Leone are always highly commended during the intergovernmental negotiations at the UN ( Which I have been attending as one of the Coordinators of C-10 ).
Recently, President Koroma embarked on a three-nation tour that took him to Chad, Egypt and Zimbabwe where he held significant consultations with his colleague African leaders on this Security Council Reform agenda. Now, the President must report the result of these consultations to other African leaders and lead the way in mapping out the way forward. It is an enviable assignment that every Sierra Leonean must be proud of.
There is no doubt that Sierra Leone is making indelible footprints in the sands of human history on the international stage. After enjoying a monumental era when she was regarded as the Athens of Africa and the Beacon of Hope for Africa, Sierra Leone continues to play a very important role in international affairs and international relations.
Sierra Leone’s minuscule size on the world map belie her importance , significance and tremendous influence in international affairs. From the immediate post-Independence days of the late UN Ambassadors Gershon Collier and Dr. Davidson Nicol to the contemporary era of the likes of Dr. James Jonah, Dr. Joe Pemangbi, Dr. Sylvester Rowe Shekou Touray , Rupert Davies and Amadu Koroma , Sierra Leone has remained a very impressive actor at the United Nations and other important fora in the world with the other Ambassadors Omrie Golley, Bockarie Stevens, Jongopie Stevens, Eddie Turay, Osman Keh Kamara and Ishmael Koroma ( at the AU ), Ibrahim Bakarr Kamara ( Kuwait ), Mohamed Sillah Kargbo ( Saudi Arabia ) etc. etc, etc all playing a great role in their respective capacities . It is expected that the newly-appointed Ambassadors Haja Hafsatu Kabba and Dr. Ebun Strasser -King will also excel .
We at COCORIOKO and we are sure, all patriotic people and lovers of Sierra Leone, are proud of our nation.