By a Political Analyst
This literature is looking at the three years maladministration of the junta boys from a snappy perspective. The incompetence that has been shown will leave Sierra Leoneans with no alternative, but to remove the SLPP from office come 2023.

The SLPP campaign on the platform of giving an affordable, effective tertiary learning and a free quality primary and secondary school education. Over the past three years, there’s nothing good to write home about, because we experienced high failures in public and private examinations, closure of private university, uneven distribution of Grant-in-aid, establishing a Mende lecturers union, the non-compliance towards providing books, bags pens, food for school going pupils are all white elephant. The politics of deceit was showcased to the highest level.
*Transparency and Accountability*
Sierra Leone recorded the issue of missing billions in recent times, the office of the *First Lady*, office of the *Chief Minister,* *Parliament*, were all under corruption allegations. The *Anti Corruption Commission* is doing Nothing to crackdown on this national disaster, but rather creating room for SLPP perpetrators to thrive in criminality. The auditor general’s report is another evidence towards mismanagement of state funds and nothing has been done in that regard. We further saw errors in procurement of vehicles and office equipments in all ministries, departments and agencies.
*Democracy and the Rule of Law*
SLPP Government ferment huge animosity in the democratic space of Sierra Leone, we’ve seen first hand were opposition leaders are being incarcerated unjustly, democratic institutions are inactive, civil society remain silence etc through the influence of state powers. The constitution that uphold the state has been put in cold waters. The law is only for those that are in the SLPP circle.
Trade has been a non starter under this Government. We noticed that, there is skyrocketing in prices of goods and services, high tax, weak trade policies, and decline in business trust. The low Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generally amputated this productive environment it is due to incompetence by those that leading the sector.
Sierra Leone fall drastically in all ratings around peace, unity and national cohesion. This administration damage all the laurels and adequate credentials of the state. This component account highly to all facets of development, because it sustains national and international trust.
This nation was enjoying free health care, rapid health infrastructural development etc. But quite recently, we have seen blatant disregard for health institutions in our nation. Shortage of medical supplies and equipment, increase in child death, etc is the order of the day.
*National Security*
The security architecture of the country has been neglected, the parallel setting up of *Forest Guards* with the same military outfit and the slow compliance to basic facilities e.g rice, increase in wages to the *Police, Military, Fire Force and Correctional Service Personnels* has been all time deplorable. But yet still they are using them to create unrest and unleash mayhem.
*Agriculture and Food Security*
The level of hunger and starvation that the citizens are going through is unbearable, families and individuals are going to bed hungry with no farming activities. Bio told citizens that, farming is a priority, and everything is far from actualization and the Tomabom project is not an exception.
This sector account for a large percentage into the development agenda of the country. The current government have expressed insincerity towards the management of this sensitive area, they made unreasonable and unrealistic statements regarding harmonising the transport industry, from that period to date no result. Citizens are going through difficulties to get transport from different locations.
The judiciary of Sierra Leone serves as one of the strongest pillar of the state. Its current makeup is tribalistic, regionalistic, hugely political and no justice for the poor. The appointments of magistrates and other stakeholders was done through the Mende language.
This submission is genuine and seek to build on our love for Sierra Leone. The people of Sierra Leone are determine to make a lasting change.
*2023 Maada Bio must go!*