_By Leaf Network’s. pls help to share__
Thinking of Sierra Leone at present.__President Bio promised to use government building to organize workshop, retreat or seminar in other to reduce or cut down government expenses, but doing something contrary from his statement like the just concluded retreat hosted at Bintumani hotel.__

With the apparent number of carefully selected staff for our diplomatic and foreign services on employment and the two newly created ministry. The thirty seven (37) appointees would be expected to re-brand and maintain international diplomatic standards to help in the creation of a sustainable economic and developmental relationships with other nations.
But according to our increase of wage bill, no allocation for the two new ministry come 2020 budget. As our country is tagged as a donor driven nation, much would be expected to transform our fragility to a better status.__
The number of the new diplomatic staff and ministerial appointment seems to be higher than the one we had during the previous government including the mass number of minister and deputy. In addition to the former diplomatic missions, we now have Kenya, Switzerland and only God knows the rest. With every mission set up for an Ambassador/High Commissioner with a deputy. What would be the benefits or consequential damages to the economy?_
_Earlier on this government promised us that the number of staffing and ministerial positions will be reduced in order to straighten the economy. We were promised that expenditure and wastage will be checked._ _The question is from where will the remuneration of the staff be outsourced when the government is presuming that they inherited a bankrupt economy? And when the citizens are crying over the provision of basic human needs.
The cost of living today is skyrocketed and most people find it unbearable. Furthermore, sixty-five (65) percent of government workers received their salary after forty-five (45) days.__
We hope that the government knows well about the expectations of setting up a new ministry and the nitty-gritty of some MDA like EPA and also the MOU ‘s of bilateral relationship between nations._
_I strongly believe that we must recognize our inescapable responsibility to carry to our fellow citizens an understanding of the simple facts about our present system of governance and its implications for the society. In this lies our only economic security and our only hope._
_I believe that an informed citizenry will act for development/ growth and not for summary sackings, death or something resembling wrecklessness. I may be made to sound as a wanted or dead man but the facts are straight up here for all under the new direction of our lives.__
We must remember that the basic power of the world cannot be fitted into the outmoded concept of narrow nationalism_. _
Even at the mid periods of economy recess, Prezo Bio has traveled a lot without no economy gain or benefit and presently he’s now planning to travel again._
_To what destination is the new direction trying to take us MAMA SA-LONE?_*laugh go kill we!**Ya go du.*