I Am afraid for this country….
Sierra Leone is now a country of revenge. A small country that is blessed with natural resources is now engulfed with hate, bad heart, witch hunt and witchcraft..
We are only progressing on setting bad precedence. There is no room for forgiveness.
The religious leaders and the Civil societies are dodging the truth. Most of them are taking sides. The country is sick, the people are sick. We are treading on a fragile peace.

Our political leaders can’t swallow their pride and ego. The Government and the opposition are at each other. There is no common ground.
The international community are the biggest hypocrites. I can feel, see the hates amongst ourselves. Social media is my witness. As a country, we never learn from the war. It is time we start showing documentaries of the war to the younger ones. They need to learn the ramification of hate and dishonesty.
Some of the politicians today did not taste the bitterness of the war. This is the reason they have no respect for peace.
Until we taste the bitterness of trouble for the second time, certain individual shall never know the value of peace..God Save Sierra Leone….Salone Daddy..