by Mahmud Tim Kargbo
Saturday, 21 December, 2024
Right minded nationals should ignore the neatly coined summary of the very nasty pro-abortion bill titled “Safe Motherhood Act” currently tabled in the Parliament of Sierra Leone.
The truth about these entire
deeply disturbing and pro-abortion bullying tactics against a pro-life nation like Sierra Leone lies in the details. It is a shameless and desperate lie by politicians supporting this extremely dangerous action to claim that the bill isn’t a pro-abortion bill. The bill in question bears all the characteristics of a neatly designed neocolonialist and imperialist agenda pushed forward by their local agents that want to line their pockets with blood money.
They’re saying they want women in Sierra Leone to have rights over their own bodies. But what type of rights can they guarantee to the bodies of women in Sierra Leone that supersede the rights given to them by the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran? Are these neocolonialist and imperialist masters, together with their local agents in governance, more civilised these days in handling the rights of women than their Creator ?
Some those pushing in favour of this very nasty bill argue that we should take region out of this discussion. I contend that such statements are a testament of how desperate they are to satisfy the agenda of their neocolonialist and imperialist masters while also seeking to line their pockets -even with blood money.
Promoters of this satanic bill must understand that Sierra Leone is a deeply religious country, and any proposed bill tabled in our Parliament must show full respect for our religious values. Are these not the same politicians who often ask us to pray for our country during times of difficulty? Why do these politicians begin their political meetings with opening prayers if they truly believe religion is unimportant to them?
Let me be very clear : abortion is not health care, nor is it an internationally recognised human ‘right.
Therefore, all pro-life Sierra Leoneans have the right to express serious concern over reports that our current politicians are urgently pushing to legalise abortion to satisfy the agenda of their neocolonialist and imperialist masters.
This Biden Administration’s pro-abortion bullying tactics and raw attempt at ideological colonialism are unacceptable in Sierra Leone. Abortion always ends the life of the unborn baby and harms the mother. Sierra Leone, as a pro-life country should be celebrated and respected for protecting unborn children and their mothers — not penalised by a pro-abortion lame duck Biden administration supported by it local agents in governance. Forcing a pro-abortion and woke agenda on a financially vulnerable and democratic, sovereign Sierra Leone harms both the current Sierra Leone People’s Party government and the United States. This is bad diplomacy and It must end.
We know for sure that Marie Stopes International Sierra Leone has collaborated with the Ministry of Health, NGOs and civil society coalitions, including the People Alliance for Reproductive Health Advocacy (PARHA), to work towards the drawing and passage of this very critical legislation
Despite the denial from the United States Embassy in Sierra Leone, let me signal my intent that if this very nasty bill is passed in Parliament, I will officially write the incoming Trump Administration. I shall request a full review of U.S. agencies, such as USAID and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, to investigate any potential misuse of U.S. funding. This review would determine whether U.S. staff violated laws by pressuring Sierra Leone government to adopt pro-abortion policies.
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