By a correspondent
Here we go again! Another election is set to be desecrated by the *odious fraud of vote-rigging that has always robbed citizens of electoral legitimacy in Sierra Leone’s history.* NEC’s recent Press Release, above, states an intention to “ tally” votes away from source. *Votes cast in Constituency 110 ( Goderich Peninsular) & Ward 034 ( Kenema District) will be fraudulently carted away to a different location for tallying to OBVIOUSLY allow corrupt government agents to STEAL VOTES‼
In the absence of separation of powers, the Executive in Sierra Leone habitually does whatever it likes with impunity. It’s therefore totally idiotic for anyone to associate Sierra Leone with DEMOCRACY at any point of our absolutely DESPOTIC history.*
*Therefore the NGC must move mountains to fortify our votes or our candidates in ALL ELECTIONS will become permanent victims of ELECTORAL FRAUD. We, the patriotic icons of the Progressive Movement, led by the enlightened vision & ideological fortitude of the NGC , will never relent. WE WILL UNITE, MARCH ON, SPEAK UP & STAND UP FOR JUSTICE UNTIL WE VICTORIOUSLY OVERCOME & WIN 🌈👊🏾🇸🇱 *
The reason why the *APC & SLPP* have NEVER conducted free, fair & safe elections is because they know their so-called ‘solid’ national support is a sham. Despite the rampant illiteracy inflicted on our people, *the impact & scale of their destructive political incompetence, deception, corruption, violence, cronyism and primitive ethno-regional poison cannot & can no longer be hidden.* The outcome of APC/SLPP rule has been nothing but a disgraceful spectacle of *political savagery, structural dilapidation, economic illiteracy and colonial servitude.* So they cannot realistically win any general election based on LOGIC; except FRAUD‼
*Our comatose nation is yet again being dismembered by the same blind & useless political ideology that is now awakening minds and inspiring progressive patriots to passionately & resiliently clamour for DEMOCRATIC CHANGE👇🏾*